Incofin CVSO invests in sustainable microfinance institutions (MFIs) in developing countries that offer financial services (loans, savings, insurance, …) adapted to local small businesses and support small entrepreneurs to improve their living conditions.
In addition to financial support to microfinance institutions, Incofin CVSO offers tailor-made technical assistance services in order to improve the overall development of the institutions on operational, strategic, financial, managerial or other criteria, support research and innovation and always on the basis of co-financing between the institution and Incofin CVSO.
Incofin CVSO has €45 million of capital, invested in 57 MFIs located in 30 countries and has provided technical assistance to 23 of these MFIs. A total of 3.2 million entrepreneurs have had access to the services of these MFIs, 73% of whom are women.
The criterion of sustainability of the MFIs is very important for Incofin CVSO. A sustainable MFI must focus on the end clients, intend to have a clear societal impact, demonstrate sufficiently competent and transparent corporate governance, have had external audits, and be able to provide good financial reports on a regular basis.
Incofin CVSO has been in existence for more than 25 years and has a proven track record of stable financial performance with a real social impact. Incofin CVSO has 2,288 shareholders (individuals, banks and holding companies, industrial companies, professional organisations and cooperatives).
Social impact
Incofin CVSO supports nearly 3.2 million entrepreneurs worldwide through the MFIs it finances! They therefore have a considerable social and economic impact.
Incofin CVSO’s activity contributes to the goals 1 “No Poverty”, 2 “Zero Hunger”, 4 “Quality Education”, 5 “Gender Equality”, 6 “Clean Water and Sanitation”, 8 “Decent Work and Economic Growth”, 10 “Reduced Inequality” and 12 “Responsible Consumption and Production” of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.