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Wilfried is a magazine that aims to tell the story of Belgian politics in the style of a novel. It is independent of all powers and is published every four months.

Wilfried is unlike any other title in the Belgian press. It keeps its distance from the micro-incidents of the political news to better explore the major currents that cross our century. The editorial line aims to marry high standards and fantasy, avoiding the pitfall of derision at all costs. Thanks to Wilfried’s stylish and sustained feathers, Belgian politics is no longer perceived as dull or boring. It takes on a new dimension and provokes as much excitement as an episode of Narcos, Truedetective or House of Cards.

Wilfried is not a militant newspaper. Nevertheless, it looks at the world with a preoccupied gaze. With Simenon’s maxim “Understand, do not judge” as his North Star.

Wilfried’s authors are his primary strength. Renowned journalists and photographers, they are among the best in the country. The youngest member of the team has just celebrated her 22nd birthday and the oldest is heading towards her 71st birthday. The whole is a subtle blend of freshness and experience.

Bring Wilfried to life. Tomorrow, discover him at your bookseller’s!

Social impact

Wilfried’s work contributes to Objective 4: “Quality Education” of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

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