Welcome to Citizenfund!

You have subscribed to one or more Citizenfund shares and are now officially part of the adventure. Congratulations!

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€ invested




social enterprises funded

As you now know, Citizenfund is a cooperative impact investment fund.

This means that you choose which projects we fund with your investments.

How do we put this in place?

Fonctionnement du Citizenfund

The selection of funded companies is done as follows: the operational team meets the entrepreneurs. If they are in line with our values, we organise a selection committee (made up of 2 elected co-operators, 2 external experts and 1 co-founder of Citizenfund) which evaluates the project on 5 criteria (impact, financial plan, operation, team and capacity to carry out). If this committee validates the project, we then hold a presentation evening with the co-operators during which the entrepreneurs present their project. The cooperators then vote during 10 days for or against the financing of the projects via their cooperator space on our website. The final investment decision is therefore taken by the cooperators (50% of the votes + 1 vote).

Read more about the selection committee.

Discover your cooperator space:

By logging in with the login details you have chosen, you have access to a menu reserved for cooperators: this is your cooperator space!

You will find :

You will also receive a monthly newsletter with the latest news about our fund and the companies we have funded.

And now what to do as a cooperator?

As a cooperator, you will receive a monthly newsletter with the latest information about Citizenfund and the projects funded.

You will also be invited to participate in the entrepreneurs’ meetings (3-4 times a year) and to vote for the companies presented.

You will also be able to participate and vote at our General Assembly (3rd Monday of May at 6pm).

All this information will also be available on your cooperator space.

If you want to get more involved in Citizenfund, there are several alternatives:

    • Promote Citizenfund around you, especially via your social networks;
    • Become a member of the selection committee (or observer to the selection committee) ;
    • Become a member of the Board of Directors, renewed every 4 years;
    • Become an observer for a project for 6 months: this is a cooperator elected at the same time as the vote for the projects, and who will “follow” the project for 6 months (by holding 1 or 2 meetings with the entrepreneur). This role is still under construction;
    • Open a Citizenfund in your region ;
    • Contact us to indicate your motivation.

Any questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us by email (info@citizenfund.coop) or via our social networks or our website.

See you soon 👋