Welcome to your cooperator space!

This space is reserved for Citizenfund cooperative members.

It allows you to keep up to date with what is happening in the fund, modify your profile, vote for projects and consult the directory of cooperative members.

Votes in progress

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Value of the shares

You have bought one or more Citizenfund shares at a certain value: €250 for B shares, €50 for C shares. This is the nominal value of the shares.

The net asset value of the shares is the intrinsic value of the shares and takes into account the accounting results of the company. It is the liquidation value of the shares. The book value is calculated as follows: (equity / capital) * nominal value.

Here is the evolution of the net asset value of the Citizenfund shares:

We are obviously working to bring the net asset value back up to nominal value. Our financial plan foresees that this will be the case from 2023.

Note also that, in accordance with the CNC approval, capital gains are not possible for our cooperative shares. If the net asset value is higher than the nominal value, the share is liquidated at the nominal value.